Tribute v2.1
Tribute boasts many features!
*Interactive Configuration App (Read the tooltips!! Config options are case sensitive!!)
*Music Player (Play / Pause, Previous, Skip, Album Art.)
*Cpu (Core usage, up to four cores. Top Process monitor. Temperature monitor. )
*Memory (Ram usage and Swap usage.)
*Drives (Drive Usage, up to four drives.)
*Gpu (Gpu usage and temperature. Currently supports one Gpu.)
*Network (Net in, out, and total.)
*Weather (Weather description, graphics, temperature, wind speed, and wind direction. Up to three days.)
*Email (Sender and subject. Up to twenty emails. Currently only supports Gmail.)
*Recycle Bin (Monitors recycle bin size.)
*Battery (Monitors remaining battery power.)
*Clock (Twelve hour and twenty-four hour clock modes. Full color customization.)
*RainRGB for easy customization.
*Date (Current day of the week, day of the month, month, and year.)
*Hidden dropdown menus
*Secondary Apps for secondary / third monitors. (Monitors Cpu, Ram, Gpu while playing a game.)
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